Friday, March 6, 2009

life is short play hard!

life is too short to be wasted away being complacent. in fact being complacent is worse than being in a dump. at least when you are in a dump you would try to get yourself out of it. its positive action. its much much better than being in some kind of a pseudo comfort zone which will get you nowhere. well it is a pseudo comfort zone... coz u know its not really "the" place u want to be... complacency leads to inertia and it takes a like 100 Newtons to shake it off. you know within you want more but you get caught in the rut of "okay".

sometimes complacency is a result of lack of options. when your life is governed by factors outside your circle of influence. its a stifling feeling. you know you can do more, u deserve much better. i guess the only thing in your control then is to grow laterally if you cant vertically. that could keep you occupied for some time but then you are back to square one.

so then if you have a goal and your eyes are set on that goal, take steps to reach that goal. so what if they are baby steps. at least its progress. and its in the right direction :) and then you would require push less than 100 newtons to shake off that inertia! keep exploring for alternatives that would enable you to take th big leap forward... and make your dream come true.

dream on! play hard! its worth the struggle :)

(written on July 18, 2007)

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